venerdì 6 maggio 2011


The TEKNO-MEC, NATIONAL Fair, with the partecipation of a big number of Foreigner Companies, present itself to the operators with its 7th edition 2011 from May 20th to 22nd in Lanciano (CH).

After receiving the prestigious award of National Fair, Teknomec is ready to the award of International Fair, completely supported by the presence of foreign exhibitors, demonstrating the good work done in these years and the growing satisfaction and interest both exhibiting companies and operators.

TEKNOMEC has made it selfknow as a reference for the Centre-South of Italy in supporting a good contest between supply and demand, capturing the attention of about 6.500 visitors about the edition 2009.

A great opportunity to make a display of machine-tools, robotics, welding systems, sub-supplies and garanteed second-hand machinery.

From it is possible to find more information about the event.

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