giovedì 16 dicembre 2010

Bending Machines Operator

A bending machine operator sets up and operates machinery constructed to bend metal structural shapes, such as pipes, tubes, bars, rods, angles, to angle or contour according to speficic requirements such as drawings, templates, or layouts: the operator selects and bolts holding clamp, die block, and guide clamp to machine.
Following, are some of the activities due during the daily operations:
  • Positioning and clamping end stops on machine to set specified location of bend.

  • Screwing or insterting or plug stops into guide wheel to set specified degree of bend.

  • Positioning workpiece against end stop. Locking and holding clamp and guide clamp onto workpiece.

  • Lubricating workpiece with oil.

  • Starting turntable to draw workpiece through guide clamp around die block until stopped by plug stops or until dial indicator points to specified degree of bend.
  • Sliding mandrel into tubing instead of using guide clamp.

  • Etc

Being the bending industry quite big, it can be easy to find several open positions for this kind, despite this industry has been challenged as many others by the struggling faced this year by western countries economies.
For instance, it is whorth looking at sites such as:

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